Available courses
Our experts have designed the following courses for those working as Forensic Practitioners to continue their professional development. From Forensic Science Practitioners to Scientific Support Managers and Forensic Service Managers, our courses develop skills and their understanding in a range of forensic disciplines.Â

Blood Pattern Analysis Awareness for Clothing
£250 per person + VAT | 1 Day | Certificate of Attendance
This one-day introduction to Blood Pattern Analysis (BPA) on clothing covers a broad idea of what to expect when an incident involves violence and a bleeding injury and how blood can be deposited onto clothing as well as the types of stain or pattern which can be observed.

Blood Pattern Analysis Awareness for Scenes
£250 per person + VAT | 1 Day | Certificate of Attendance
This one-day introduction to blood pattern analysis covers a broad idea of what to expect at a scene involving the presence of blood, including the types of stains and patterns which can be obtained.

Chemical Enhancement and Acid Reagents
Bespoke Course | Certificate of Attendance
This chemical enhancement and acid reagents course is designed to provide an understanding of the theory and application of acid reagents at scenes. The course is a bespoke course, which means that police forces can tailor the modules of the course to their requirements.

£500 per person + VAT | 2 Day | Certificate of Attendance
This two-day awareness course is ideal for any expert and professional witness who may have to give evidence in court.

Disaster Victim Identification (DVI)
£250 per person + VAT | 1 Day | Approved by Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences for CPD Certification.
This one-day course provides an overview of how forensic anthropology and archaeology can be applied to DVI operations, particularly where victims’ remains are disrupted, burnt, and / or commingled.

Human Skeletal Anatomy and Comparative Anatomy
£250 per person + VAT | 1 Day | Approved by Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences for CPD Certification.
This course provides an overview of the techniques used by Forensic Anthropologists in Human Skeletal Anatomy and Comparative Anatomy and the role they play in an investigation.

Recognising, Excavating & Recording Clandestine Graves
£250 per person + VAT | 1 Day | Approved by Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences for CPD Certification.
This course provides an understanding of the role of Forensic Archaeologists & Anthropologists at a crime scene and techniques used in the excavation of clandestine graves as part of an investigation.

Surface Dispersal of Human Remains
£250 per person + VAT | 1 Day | Approved by Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences for CPD Certification.
This course provides an understanding of the role of a Forensic Archaeologist and Anthropologist in an investigation, including the techniques used in the recovery of dispersed surface remains.

5 Days | Certificate of Attendance
This five-day course has been designed by Forensic Fire Scene experts to provide people who have a Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) background with the relevant knowledge and practical skills required to manage and undertake a fire scene investigation.

Footwear Mark, Tyre Mark and Tool Mark Evidence Awareness
Bespoke | 1 Day | Certificate of Attendance
This one-day awareness course on footwear mark, tyre mark and tool mark evidence will provide an overview of marks which can be found a scene of crime.

Sexual Assault Case Investigation Awareness
£250 per person + VAT | 1 Day | Certificate of Attendance
This one-day course in sexual assault case investigations provides an understanding into how forensic biology can assist in such cases and how it can be used at the scene and in the laboratory.