You are invited to attend our CPD accredited webinar where one of our experts will provide valuable insight into firearm examination and identification.

You are invited to attend our webinar where our expert, Edward Wallace (Head of Firearms), will provide valuable insight into firearm examination and identification. Edward has over 27 years of experience as a Firearm and Toolmark examiner and has given evidence over 200 times in various Courts of Law.

In this webinar our expert will cover a range of topics relating to firearms, including legal classification, characteristics, evidence analysis and microscopic examination.
This webinar will identify key learning areas including: 

  • How to interpret the legislation. 
  • How to challenge firearms evidence.
  • How to assess the evidence before the issue of early pleas.
  • New technologies in the field. 

Upon completion of this webinar, please contact us at for your CPD certificate. 

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