Forensic Biology Services
Forensic Access provides a range of biology services dependant on the requirements of defence solicitors for almost all case types, including murder, sexual assault, burglary, and possession of illegal substances. Our experts can examine exhibits to recover evidence of human contact including cellular material, deposited in the act of touching something, or a body fluid, such as blood to produce DNA profiling information.
They can also review evidence obtained by the prosecution to consider its accuracy and validity as well as whether the evidence has been interpreted correctly in the context of the case. For example, our biology experts can review and examine clothing as well as vehicles for DNA to identify areas to challenge or suggest areas for further work to address issues within the case.
Forensic Biology Services:
At Forensic we have an extremely experienced team of knowledgeable biology experts, and our laboratories are purpose-built for a wide range of services including:
DNA Examination: Examine items and sampling for DNA profiling within our fully accredited laboratories.
DNA Interpretation: Interpret DNA profiling results, either following our own examinations, or a review into the work conducted by other laboratories.
Body Fluid Analysis: Screen and test for a range of commonly encountered body fluids, including blood, saliva and semen.
Blood Pattern Analysis (BPA): Analyse blood patterns, both on garments/items and at a scene, to aid in the overall evaluation of an incident.
Joint Examinations: Take a collaborative approach from the start, with our fingerprint and firearms teams in-house, and other networked experts available, ensuring no opportunities are overlooked and all applicable tests are conducted.
Crime Scene Examination & Review: Full crime scene examination and re-examination, if required.
Full Case Review: Review all or targeted aspects of the work conducted by other laboratories to enable a comprehensive independent evaluation.
Cold Case Review: Experienced scientists who have led the review of high profile and successful cold cases.
Training & CPD: Provision of short presentations and more in-depth training packages in a wealth of topics.
Our experts can advise the appropriate course of action, using the case information available to consider any issues, and ensure a comprehensive independent evaluation is completed.
Instruct our Experts:
All defence work is handled by dedicated Casework Managers who provide end-to-end support and streamlining to answer any questions efficiently and effectively.
They can also facilitate direct access to our team of experts to ensure defence legal teams understand the issues of their case from a scientific standpoint, giving them scope to prepare a more effective defence strategy and challenge the evidence in the correct way.
To find out more about our expert forensic services speak to a member of our team: 01235 774870 or fill-in our online contact form.
Are you looking for a Biology Expert Witness?
Get in touch with our casework team.
Associated Services
Expert Witnesses

Caroline Crawford
Forensic Scientist (Biology)

Clare Jarman
Forensic Scientist (Biology)

James Beard
Forensic Scientist (Biology)

Damien Lyall
Forensic Scientist (Biology)

Sophie Park
Forensic Scientist (Biology)