Forensic DNA Analysis
Forensic Access provides unrivalled expertise build up through decades of working both within prosecution forensic service providers and in delivering forensic services to the defence. This expertise can be employed on your behalf to bring a new understanding of the scientific findings in your client’s case, highlighting both the strengths and the limitations of the biological evidence so you are able to tailor your case strategy with a firm understanding of the challenges and opportunities before you.
Forensic Access boasts a world-class team of forensic scientists operating in state-of-the-art facilities. All forensic work is carried-out to the highest Quality Standards which is especially important when working with DNA evidence.
Modern DNA techniques can provide compelling evidence on the source of biological material, and with this DNA work as a foundation, layers of additional evaluation can speak to the issues around transfer and persistence, both of DNA and specific body fluids. This information combined with additional techniques such as blood pattern analysis and damage analysis can allow higher level questions to be answered regarding what activity an individual may have been engaged in.
But with the power of modern day techniques and the often persuasive nature of this type of evidence, comes a critical responsibility to ensure that whenever forensic science is presented in court, it is correct, balanced and contextually well informed. Forensic science which falls short of this can be misleading and at worst lead to the antithesis of Justice.
We believe that in order to provide an active defence, biological evidence should be reviewed and where necessary challenged on a number of levels. Current DNA techniques, whilst well regulated and managed are often complex and nuanced in their interpretation. These need careful review by experienced scientists who fully understand the complexities and difficulties involved.
At a basic level the procedural infrastructure around forensic analysis, from anti-contamination protocols to the continuity of samples and decision making by the police and the prosecution scientists can be critically reviewed, and of course the overarching opinions which rest on the DNA work carried out, and which can form pillars of the prosecution case can and must be thoroughly tested and verified.
Forensic DNA Services
- Current standard DNA-17 methodologies utilised in the UK
- Additional current methodologies used in Europe and around the world, including Globalfiler, Identifiler and PowerPlex Fusion 6C
- Older methodologies, including SGM Plus and LCN
- Y-STR (male specific) testing
- Mitochondrial DNA testing
- Animal Forensics
Forensic DNA Expertise
Forensic Access provides unrivalled expertise build up through decades of working both within prosecution forensic service providers and in delivering forensic services to the defence. This expertise can be employed on your behalf to bring a new understanding of the scientific findings in your client’s case, highlighting both the strengths and the limitations of the biological evidence so you are able to tailor your case strategy with a firm understanding of the challenges and opportunities before you.
Forensic Access boasts a world-class team of forensic scientists operating in state-of-the-art facilities. All forensic work is carried-out to the highest Quality Standards which is especially important when working with DNA evidence.
All defence work is handled by dedicated Casework Managers who provide end-to-end support and streamlining. Direct access to our team of scientists helps barristers and solicitors to prepare a more effective defence strategy, and all expert witness reports are thoroughly documented and peer reviewed.
To find out more about our forensic services Tel: 01235 774870 to speak with a member of our team or fill-in our online contact form.
Are you looking for a DNA Expert Witness?
Get in touch with our casework team.
Associated Services
Expert Witnesses

Caroline Crawford
Forensic Scientist (Biology)

Clare Jarman
Forensic Scientist (Biology)

James Beard
Forensic Scientist (Biology)

Damien Lyall
Forensic Scientist (Biology)

Sophie Park
Forensic Scientist (Biology)