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The Rise of the Second Post Mortem Desktop Review
We regularly assist Solicitors with a variety of Forensic Pathology services including neuropathology, paediatric pathology,…
July 17, 2020

Choosing Forensic Exhibits: The Next Miscarriage of Justice
Robert Green, OBE JP MA MSc. M.Litt DMS is a reader in Forensic Science and…
July 15, 2020

What does the rise in domestic abuse statistics during lock-down mean for animals?
The link between violence towards humans and violence towards animals is well documented, including the…
July 13, 2020

'Challenging Scientific Evidence and Why It Matters' - Webinar with Angela Gallop
Forensic Access Founder, Angela Gallop, has provided a webinar for The Solicitor Group’s ‘LAW2020 Online…
June 26, 2020

Using a Phone Without a SIM is Not Game Over for Digital Forensic Examiners
Cellsite data provided by digital forensics can be valuable in a case, however there’s a…
June 26, 2020

Interview with Forensic Firearms Scientist Huw Griffiths
Huw Griffiths is our Senior Forensic Firearms Scientist. He began his firearms journey 35 years…
June 22, 2020

Fingerprint Forensics: Interview with Philip Gilhooley
Interviewed by Olly Jarvis (Barrister, Crime author and founder of the Crime Hub) Forensic Access…
June 18, 2020
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